Saturday, September 15, 2012

BETANOL Tablets: Light yellow, coated tablet; each tablets; contains 50 mg atenolol BP.
BETANOL 100 mg Tablets:  Light yellow, coated, circular tablets: each tablets contains 100 mg atenolol BP.

1.       Management of hypertension.
2.       Management of angina pectoris.
3.       Management of cardiac dysrhythmias.
4.       Myocardial infarction: early intervention in the acute phase.

Mode of Action
Atenolol is a beta-adrenoceptor blocking drug which is cardioselective (i.e..,acts preferentially on beta adrenergic receptors in the heart). It is without intrinsic sympathomimetic and membrance stabilising activities. Human studies indicate that it crosses the blood brain barrier only to a negligible extent. It is probably the action of atenolol in reducing cardiac rate and contractility which makes it effective in eliminating or reducing the symptoms of patients with angina. As with other beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs, its mode of action in the treatment of hypertension is unclear.
Early intervention with atenolol in acute myocardial infarction reduces infarct size and decreases morbidity. Fewer patientswith a threatened infarction progress to frank infarction; the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias is decreased and marked pain relief may result in reduced need of opiate analgesics. Early mortality also may be decreased. Atenolol is an additional treatment to standard coronary care.

Dosage and administration
Hypertension: One tablet daily. most patient respond to 100 mg daily given as a single dose. Some patients, however, will respond to 50mg given as a single daily dose. The effect will be fully estabilished after one to two weeks. A further reduction in bloood pressure may be acheved by combining BETANOL wiht other anti-hypertensive agents. Foe example, co-administartion of BETANOL with a diuretic provides a hyghly effective and convenient anti-hypertensive therapy.
Angina: Most patient with angina pectoris will responed to 100 mg given orally once daily or 50 mg twie daily. it is unlikely that additional benefit will be gained by increasing the dose.
Dysrhythmias: Once control of the dysrhythmias is achieved by intravenous injection of beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs, BETANOL tablets may be given. A suitable oral, maintenance dosage is 50-100 mg daily given as a single dose.

Myocardial Infarction:   For patients suitable for treatment with intravenous beta-blockage and presenting within 12 hours of the onest of chest pain. Following slow intravenous injection of a cardio selective beta-adrenoceptor blocking drug, BETANOL 50 mg orally may be given 15 minutes later provided no untoward effects occur from the  intravenous dose.
This should be followed by a further 50mg orally 12 hours after the intravenous dose and then 12 hours later by 100 mg orally to be given once daily for up to 10 days . If bradycardia and/or hypotension requiring treatment, or any other untoward effects occur, BETANOL should be discontinued.
Eldrely Patients : Dosage requirements may be reduced especially in patients with impaired renal function.
There is no pediatric experience with BEANOL and for this reason it is not recommended for use in children.     


Saturday, September 1, 2012

FIRIFAN 150 Capsules: Brown capsules imprinted ‘FIRIFAM 150 mg; each capsule contains 150mg rifampicin BP.
FIRIFAM 450 Capsules: Maroon capsules imprinted with company logo and FIRIFAM 450mg;  each capsuls contains 450mg fifampicin BP.

FIRIFAM used in combination with other antituberculous drugs, is indicated in the treatment of all form of tuberculosis, including fresh, advanced, chronic and drug resistant cases. it has been used in the treatment of tuberculous meningitis and in combination with other antileprotics. It is also used in the treatment of leprosy.

Dosage and administration
To prevent the possible emergence of rifampicin- resistat strains of mycobacteria. FIRIFAM shoud always be given with other effective antituberculous drugs. The single dose should preferably be taken on an empty stomach at least helf an hour before food.

Adults: Oral: Based on approximately 8 to 12 mg per kg body weight, the recommended dose of fifampicin is 600 mg daily for patients weighing 50kg and above and 450mg for patients under 50 kg in patients with impaired live function the daily dose should not exceed 8mg per kg body weight.
Children: Children may be given 10 to 20 mg per kg body weight to maximum daily dose of 600 mg.


PEVISONE Cream: A white cream containing 1% econazole nitrate BP and 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide BP.

Econazole nitrate is a broad spectrum antifungal agent. Its range of application covers dermatophytes, yeasts and moulds.Moreover, it has antibacterial effect on Gram-positive pathogens. Triamcinolone acetonide is a highly effective topical steroid with rapid anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-allergic action. At the concentration chosen for anti-allergic action. At the concentration chosen for PEVISONE. the two active substances econazole nitrate and triamcinolone acetonide develop their ful activity.
The major indications of PEVISONE are dermatomycoses caused by dermatophytes, yeasts and fungi, accompanied by distinct inflammatory or allergic symptoms, e.g.. eczematous mycoses; diaper dermatitis; eczema marginaturn;intertrigo; folliculitis trichophytica; sycosis barbae.
PEVISONE is also indicated for the treatment of mycoses located in the region of body folds where inflammation or intolerance of drugs or adjutants may develop.

Dosage and administration
PEVISONE is applied to the affected are and gently rubbed in with the finger; this should be done once or twice a day; in the morning and/or n the evening. A two-week therapy with PEVISONE is usaually sufficient to control the concomitant inflammatory symptoms of mycoses.Thereafter, treatment with PEVARYL should be started and continued until complete cure is obtained Occlusive dressings should not be used. Like with any other steroidal perparation the duration treatmetn should be limited to a period of 3-4 weeks, as otherwise the skin may be damaged by the steroid effect (atrophy, telangicetases, striae)


FIDAPLED Injection: Clear yellow solution each 2 ml amber ampoule contains 100 mg thiamine hydrocholoride BP. 100 mg pyridoxine hydrocholoride BP and 6.4mg riboflavine sodium phosphate BP.

FIDAPLEX, a combination of thiamine, riboflavine and pyrioxine is used for the prevention and treatment of these vitamin deficiencies including those arising from debility after illness, operation, renal dialysis pregneancy, hyperthyroidism, prolonged antibiotic theraph and old age associated with poor diet.
It is indicated in the treatment of beri-beri and also improves fatigue anorexia, gastro-intestinal disturbances, tachycardia, irritability and neurological symptoms due to thiamine deficiency. The presence of riboflavine produces improvement of angular stomatitis. golssitis, reddened, shiny and denuded lips, seborrhoeic follicular keratosis of the nasolabial folds. nose and forehead, dermatitis of the anogenital regions and burning feet, when these are due to a deficiency of the vitamin. in the body, pyridoxine hydrochloride not only acts as a co-enzyme for a variety of metabolic transformations but also alleviates megaloblastic anaemia and peripheral neuritis associated with its deficiency.

Dosage and administration
Audlt: Intramuscular or intravenous injections of 2 ml every day or alternative days.


METRONID 200-Tablets: Light yellow, coated circular tablets: each tablet contains 200gm metronidazol BP.
METRONID 400-Tablets: Light yellow, coated circular tablets: each tablet contains 400gm metronidazol BP.
METRONID Suspension: Yellow coloured, orange flavored suspension; each 5ml contains benzoylmetronidazole equivalent to 200mg metronidazole BP.

METRONID, an antiprotozoal and antibacterial agent, is active against Trichomonas virginals, Endameba histolytica, Guardia lamblia, Gardnerella virginals, Balantidium coli. Dracunculus medinensis, it is also effective against anaerobic bacteria and is used in the prophylaxis and treatment of infections caused by anaerobic organisms particularly species of Bacteroides, Fusobacteria. Eubacteria, Colostridia and anaerobic cocci (peptococci and Peptostreptococci).
It is indicated in:
-         Trichomoniasis of the genito-urinary tract in females( trichomonal vaginitis) and males.
-         Bacterial vaginosis(non-specific vaginitis)
-         All forms of amoebiasis (intestinal and extra-intestinal disease and that of symptomless cyst passers)
-         Giardiasis
-         Acute ulcerative gingivitis
-         An aerobically-infected leg ulcers and pressure sores
-         Acute dental infections (e.g.. acute pericoronitis and acute apical infections)
-         Infections due to susceptible anaerobic organisms.
-         Prevention of post-operative infections due to anaerobic organisms.
-         Blantidiasis
-         Dracunculiasis
-         Antibibiotic-associated colitis.

Dosage and administration
METRONID tablets should preferably be taken during or after a meal and the suspension at least one hour before a meal. Tablets should be swallowed without chewing
Oral medication corresponding to the indication is shown in the tablet( all dosage are given in terms of metronidazole or metronidazole equivalent) after the ‘package quantities;


FITAMOL-Tablets: White, scored, circular tablets, engraved with ‘FITAMOL; each tablet contains 500gm paracetamol BP.
FITAMOL-Suspension: Red coloured, orange flavoured suspension; each 5 ml contains 120 mg paracetamol BP.

FITAMOL is a a mild analgesic and antipyretic. The tablets are recommended for the symptomatic treatment for the majority of painful and febrile conditions, for example, headache, toothache, neuralgia, influenza, rheumatic pain, and dysmenorrhoea.
FITAMOL suspension is recommended for the symptomatic treatment of painful and febrile conditions of childhood such as teething, headache, toothache, earache, general aches and pains, and influenza.

Dosage and administration
For oral administration only:
FITAMOL tablet:
Adults: The usual dosage is 1 to 2 tablets every 3 or 4 hours with a maximum of 8 tablets in 24 hours.
Children: Children should not be given doses of FITAMOL more frequently than every 4 hours and not more than 4 doses should be given in any 24 hours.
6 to 12 years: 1 tablet 3 or 4 times daily as required.


Children:  3 months to 1 year : 5 ml.
(1 teaspoonful) 3 or 4 times daily as required.
1 to 5 years : 5 to 10 ml(1 to 2 teaspoonfuls) 3 or 4 times daily as required.
6 to 12 years: 10 to 20 ml(2 to 4 teaspoonfuls) 3 or 4 times daily as required.


GLUCOTAB-Tablets: White, scored, oblong tablets, engraved with ‘GLUCOTAB; each tablet contains 5gm glibenclamide BP.

GLUCOTAB is an oral hypoglycaemic agent of the sulphonylurea type. GLUCOTAB is indicated for the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes which is not adequately controlled by dietary measures alone.

Dosage and administration

GLUCOTAB should be taken with or immediately after food. The total daily dosage is preferably given as a single dose at breakfast or with the first main meal. but due consideration should be given to the patient’s meal habits and daily activity when apportioning dosage.
New diabetics: In maturity-onset diabetes of mild to moderate severity, treatment should be started with 5 mg daily of 2.5mg in debilitated or elderly patients. If this dosage is not sufficient for proper control it should be increased by 2.5mg at intervals of one week, or as directed by the clinician. The total daily dose of GLUCOTAB should not exceed 15mg. Increasing dosage beyond this level is unlikely to produce further response.
Transfer from other sulphonylureas: Transfer to GLUCOTAB can e usually by carried out without any break in therapy. GLUCOTAB treatment should be started with 5 mg daily and , if necessary, adjusted in steps of 2.5 or 5 mg. dosage is 1 to 2 tablets every 3 or 4 hours with a maximum of 8 tablets in 24 hours.

Changeover from biguanides: GLUCOTAB treatment should be started with 2.5 mg of GLUCOTAB and the biguanide withdrawn. Dosage should then be adjusted by increments of 2.5 mg to achieve control.


GENASPRIN Tablets: White circular tablets engraved with GENASPRIN; each tablet contains 300 gm aspirin BP.

GENASPRIN has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic actions. It is used for symptomatic relief of less severe types of pain such as headached, neuritis, myalgias, dysmenorrhoea and toothache. GENASPRIN is also used in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
In the treatment of minor febrile conditions, such as colds or influenza, GENASPRIN is of value for the reduction of temperature and relief of the headache and the joint and muscle pain.

Dosage and administration
Adults: The usual dose by mouth as an analgesic and antipyretic is 1 to 3 tablets, which may be repeated every 4 hours according to clinical needs, up to a maximum of 13 tablets daily.
For acute rheumatic disorders, the dose is 13 to 26 tablets given daily in divided doses. For the control of chronic rheumatic disease, 1 to 3 tablets are administered every 4 hours over long periods as directed by the physician.
Children: As an analgesic and antipyretic, GENASPRIN may be given to children in the following doses:
2 to 6 years: ½ tablet every 4 hours.
6 to 12 years : 1 tablet every 4 hours.
In rheumatic disorders, dosage of 60 to 80 mg per kg body weight daily may be given as directed by the physician.
Special care is necessary in determining the dosage of aspirin in children under 2 years of age and it is not recommended for infants under 1 year of age because of the danger of intoxication and metabolic disturbance.


BUTAPAN Tablet: White, coated circular tablets; each tablet contains 10 gm hyoscine butyibromide BP.
BUTAPAN Injection: Clear, colouriess solution; each 1 ml amber ampoule contains 20 mg hyoscine butyibromide BP.

BUTAPAN is an anticholinergic agent having antispasmodic actions on the smooth muscle of the organs of the abdominal cavity.
BUTAPAN tablet is indicated in conditions associdated with visceral spasms of the gastrointestinal tract or the genito-urinary tract. It is also used in spasmodic dysmenorrhoea.
BUTAPAN injection is indicated in gastro-intestinal spasm and also in renal or biliary colic, in radiology for differential diagnosis of obstruction and to reduce spasm and pain in pyelography, and in other diagnostic procedures such as gastro-duodenal endoscopy where spasm may be problem.

Dosage and administration
Adults: 2 tablets four times daily. In cases of spasmodic dysmenorrhoea, treatment should be started at least two days before the expected onset of the menstrual period, and be continued for three mor days after the onset of menstruation. Children: 6t 12 years: 1 tablet three times daily or as directed by the physician.
Adults: The usual doses is 20 mg (1 ampoule) intramuscularly or intravenously, repeated after 30 munites if necessary, in endoscopy this dose may need to be more frequently repeated


PEN-V Tablets: White, scored, circular, tablet; each tablets; contains phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium BP equivalent to 250 mg phenoxymethyplenicillin.
PEN-V Syrup: Bottles containing powder to produce 50 ml of red coloured, raspberry flavored syrup; when reconstituted each 5ml contains
Phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium BP equivalent to 125 mg phenoxymethyipenicillin.

PEN-V is highly active in wide variety of infectiousdiseases caused by phenoxymethylpenicillin
Susceptible Gram-positive organisms. It is used in the management of infections due to phenoxymethylpenicillin-sensitive organisms in particular streptococci and staphylococci but also including pneumococci, treponema pallidum, clostridia and some strains of neisseria. It is recommended for the therapeutic use in the following conditions:
Pneumococcal infections: Respiratory tract infection of mind to moderate severity and infection in the middle ear and paransal sinuses.
Streptococcal infections:  (except penicillinase-producing strains): Mild infections of the skin and soft tissue sensitive ot penicillin.
Prophylactic uses: It is found to be effective in preventing strepotococcal infection in susceptible hosts.
Also it has provie effective in preventing the recurrence of rheumatic fever and chorea.

Dosage and administration
Adults: 125mg to 500mg every four to six hours depending on the severity of the condition.
Children: 5 to 12 years: 125mr to 250 mg every four to six hours.
1 to 5 years: 125mg every six hours.
Infants: (up to 1 year) 62.5mg every six hours To prevent the recurrence of rheumatic fever doses of 125mg every twelve hourse may be given for a period as suggested by the physician. Ideally, each dose should be given half an hour before or at least three hours after a meal.


FIRIFAN 150 Capsules: Brown capsules imprinted ‘FIRIFAM 150 mg; each capsule contains 150mg rifampicin BP.
FIRIFAM 450 Capsules: Maroon capsules imprinted with company logo and FIRIFAM 450mg;  each capsuls contains 450mg fifampicin BP.

FIRIFAM used in combination with other antituberculous drugs, is indicated in the treatment of all form of tuberculosis, including fresh, advanced, chronic and drug resistant cases. it has been used in the treatment of tuberculous meningitis and in combination with other antileprotics. It is also used in the treatment of leprosy.

Dosage and administration
To prevent the possible emergence of rifampicin- resistat strains of mycobacteria. FIRIFAM shoud always be given with other effective antituberculous drugs. The single dose should preferably be taken on an empty stomach at least helf an hour before food.

Adults: Oral: Based on approximately 8 to 12 mg per kg body weight, the recommended dose of fifampicin is 600 mg daily for patients weighing 50kg and above and 450mg for patients under 50 kg in patients with impaired live function the daily dose should not exceed 8mg per kg body weight.
Children: Children may be given 10 to 20 mg per kg body weight to maximum daily dose of 600 mg.


FIMOXYL Capsules: Orange and black capsules imprinted  ‘FIMOXYL 250 mg; each capsule contains amoxycillin trihydrate BP equivalent to 250mg amoxycillin. FIMOXYL Syrup: Bottles containing powder for preparation of 100 ml of yellow coloured, banana flavoured syrup; when reconstituted each 5ml contains amoxycillin trihydrate BP equivalent to 125 mg amoxycillin.
FIMOXYL Paediatric Drops: Bottles containing powder for perparation of 15 ml of yellow coloured, bababa flavoured drops; when reconstituted each 1.25 ml contains amoxcillin trihydrate BP equivalent to 125 mg amoxycillin.
A dropper to measure the 1.25 ml dose is provided. FIMOXYL 250 mg Injectio: Powder in vials containing amoxycillin sodium BP equivalent to 500 mg amoxycillin.

FIMOXYL is a broad spectrum antibiotic used to treat a wide range of infections caused by susceptible Gram-positive and Gram –negative organisms.
It is indicated for the treatment of the following bacterial infections:
Respiratory tract, ENT infections: Acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis.
Urinary tract infections: Pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urethritis.
Obstetric and gynaecological infections: Bacteriuria in pergnancy, septic abortion, intra-abdominal sepsis and puerperal sepsis.
Gastro- intestinal infections: Typhoid and paratyphoid.
Skin and soft tissue infections: Cellulitis, infected wounds and adscesses.
Generalised infections: Septicemia, bacterial endocarditis, meningitis, peritonitis and osteomyelitis.
Venereal infections:  Gonorrhea and syphilis.
FIMOXYL may also be used as prophylactic cover for patients at risk of developing endocarditic when undergoing surgery.

Dosage and administration
Usual adult dosage:
Oral: 250mg three times daily increasing to 500 mg three times daily for more severe infections.
Injectables: 250-500 mg IM every 8 hourly (or more frequently, if found necessary by the physician) for moderate infections. 500 mg- 1 g IV every 6 hourly for severe infections.
Usual Children’s dosage:
Oral: 2 to 10 years: Half of the adult dose.
Under two years? 1/4th of the adult dose.
Injectables (upto10 years):50-100mg/kg body. weight IM of IV (depending on the severity) in three to four equal divided doses.
Specific dosage recommendation:
Typhoid and paratyphoid
Aault: 4 g daily in divided doses for 14-21 days.
Children: 100 mg /kg/day in divided doses for 14-21 days
Typhoid Carrier States: 3 to 4 g in divided doses for a minimum of one month.
Syphilis: 250mg every 6 hours for 1 month to 5 months according to the stage of the disease and serological response.
Simple acute Urinary Tract infection: Short course
Therapy: Two 3 g dose with 10-12 hours between the doses.
Meningitis: Adults: 150mg/kg/day IV in equally divided doses.
Children: 100-150 gm/kg/day IV in equally divided doses
Gonorrhoea: A single 3 g dose
Dental abscess( as an adjunct to surgical management): Two 3 g doses with 8 hours between the doses.
Severe or recurrent acute otitis media: 3 to 10 years: 750 gm twice a day for two days may be used as an alternative course of treatment.